About Us
Here at FIFTEEN Studios, we like to focus on capturing the essence of any story we come in contact with. We like to invade your personal space, get up close and personal so you feel as if you're there in the scene with us. We're old school guys when it comes to movies. We enjoy exploring rich, diverse, full characters that by the time we’ve filled the pages with their story, they’ve shown us a part of ourselves we didn’t know was there.
We've been blessed to be able to do what we love and for people to enjoy our work. Inspiration comes from all around, but mostly from the people we're lucky enough to work with. Each one of them gives us an energy that points us in the direction I need to make masterpieces out of them.

We're thankful that we've been able to come as far as we have with such a great team, and I trust that there is much more to come.

The Team
The People of FIFTEEN Studios

Justin Poage
Executive Producer
Kenneth Bradley
Keith Bradley
Owner/Executive Producer